
Leaving Merimbula

It’s been a crazy week down here in the down under. I’ve been transferred. That was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. I’ve become so close to the people there, I cried no less than four times that last sunday. The week leading up to it was good though. I was able to attend the baptism of the ward mission leader’s son, and Elder Boswell and I were able to witness and help give him the holy ghost. That was so special to me. Our last sunday, The ward mission leader invited us over to say goodbye. We had a really good talk, and he said that I was the best missionary in the area for a long time. He gave me a little lord of the rings figurine to remember him by, and he made me promise I’d come back again. I definitely will. My transfer is due in part to the fact that I’ve been called as district leader. I’m serving in Paramatta at the moment, and as a district leader, I’ll probably be here for a while. I’m super lost at the moment, I got shotgunned (meaning that my companion is new to the area too) so we have no idea where anything is. It seems like it’s a productive area though, we have been notified by the last missionaries that there is one of our investigators with a baptismal date. It’s a bit strange, I’ve only ever been to one district meeting, and now I’ll have to conduct one. Pray for me!

     It’s hot and humid here, and there are so many cockroaches I want to vomit. The last elders didn’t do a deep clean of the flat before they left, so we’ve spent the time we’ve had here cleaning it. Honestly, I don’t know what’s worse, the cockroaches or the cockroach spray. The zone has been very helpful thus far though and I think we’ll make it. I don’t know too much about the district at the moment though, only that they’re supposed to be calling me and most of them haven’t. The only contact I’ve gotten from the zone has been from the sisters, so maybe I’ll have the training meeting be about how important it is to let the new and confused district leader get your calls so I can do my job.
Anyway, I’m sorry this is not as long as you want it to be, but I’m actually having to pay for email time (literally), so I’m going to be in search of a library where I can do it for free. I’ll see you all next week!
Love Elder Shelton
A master chef!



