Temple as seen from the Sydney South Mission. Temple is located in the Sydney North Mission.
Howdy all!
It’s been a crazy week here in the down under. I was out my flat for about three days just because of how everything went. We stayed at the zone leaders for zone training meeting, exchanges, and church the next day. I’m utterly and totally exhausted. Exchanges was great though. We were in a biking area that had zero idea of what flat was. (All the riding and walking has made my backside quite beautiful.) Unfortunately, the work here has been getting tougher. Our investigators are dropping like flies (metaphorically) so we basically have no one to teach. We only have three investigators now, but two of them aren’t really interested at all, and the other one doesn’t have a schedule we can meet with him. I guess we’ll have a lot of work ahead. On a more positive note, I’ll have the privilege of baptizing two people! The sisters in my district have been teaching two little boys, and they picked me to baptize them! That was so cool! They also want me to give them the gift of the holy ghost, and talk at their baptism, so we’ll see what’s going on. As for us not having bikes…. the elders before us had them, but they also had them stolen. Funny enough, we actually got stopped by a guy in the street the other day who asked why we weren’t on bikes, and offered to get us some for really cheap. we’re looking in to that. Unfortunately, even with bikes, we’d have to stay with the zone leaders for church and district meetings. It’s still a bit far to bike, and there are no roads we could bike safely on to get there.
Yes, the temple is in the north mission. Just barely. I actually got to see it on exchanges. It’s just across the street from the edge of the zone’s boundary. I’ve actually heard of stories where missionaries just go over to the north mission to do temple sessions without permission. Kind of a strange way to be apostate (the term misionaries use for all breaking of the rules) eh?
Anyway, hope that everything is going great over there! Hope to hear from you soon!
Love Elder Shelton