I guess I’ll start off with the miracles. We had some more random people come up to us and ask if we could come and teach them. That was pretty cool especially considering we’re really low on the investigator count at the moment. We had one person invite us in off the street for dinner, and she didn’t even know what missionaries are or anything about the church! It’s been one of the busiest weeks as far as lessons go for my whole mission! Unfortunately, we don’t have any investigators really making any progress at the moment. We have one investigator basically threaten to call the cops on us if we get too pushy with her Book of Mormon reading. (All I did was say “Have you been able to read anything from the Book of Mormon since we last came?”) She’s been investigating forever, and she won’t do anything until she finishes reading, but she’s not really making an effort on it. She’s also the last of the investigators that were in the area when we came in, every one else is someone we’ve found.
I guess that’s pretty much my week in a nutshell, it looks a bit short though. Oh well, not much I can add to it anyway. Time for some questions!
Did you get to see Elder Boswell and catch up on the goings on in Merimbula? I got to see him at the conference, and it seems like the work is going very well! The relief society president’s foster kids finally got the permission to be baptized! Two of them have dates, but he told me Cody has been acting up ever since I left. We didn’t get to talk for long so that’s basically all I know at this point. He may have been transfered out by now as well, I don’t know.
Have you been able to talk with Elder Phillip’s again when your mission gets together, like at Christmas or this conference? Yeah, we see each other occasionally. We don’t usually get to talk for that long, but its always good to see him. Our zone leaders get to meet with him every once in a while as well, and he always sends his regards back with them.
How is the work coming? Better. This week was probably the busiest my whole mission.
I was thinking you haven’t made one mention of seeing snakes, huge spiders, or even kangaroos in Paramatta. I guess your in the “big city” now so you probably wouldn’t. No snakes or kangaroos, but still huge spiders. The biggest spider I’ve seen my whole mission has been here, just crawling along a children’s playground. it was probably as wide as my face (no exaggeration). There are also a lot of massive webs around, but I haven’t seen any spiders in them yet.
Is the weather cooling off yet? yep.
How are your clothing and shoes holding up? All my shirts have been getting strange marks over them (usually come off in the wash though), one pair of shoes is basically eaten through (I guess I have some more “soles” to save), two of my pants have had the hemming on the leg come undone…… I guess they’re holding up fine.
Well, love you all. Especially send my love to the Simpsons, especially Connor.
Love ya.
Elder Shelton