Howdy all!
It’s been a bit of an adventure this week in the down unda. I got sick during the week and had to stay in the flat and it basically killed me. Don’t get me wrong, I love studying scriptures but it’s hard to do for like 12 hours. I’m feeling much better now, and back into the work, but it was a bit rough for a while. As far as it goes, not too much happened this week, we did a lot of visiting people who couldn’t see us at the moment so we scheduled them for next week. This week will be crazy full! I’m really exited to make it happen. The hilight of the week had to have been the recent convert fireside though. It was for all the missionaries in Sydney, so I got to go and guess what? about half of the last ward I served in was there! It was good to catch up and see how things are going. I also got to catch up with Elder Boswell, and one of the missionaries from my mtc district, Elder Weller! It’s good to see familiar faces.
It sounds like things at home are coming along well. The Mini Mission (an youth activity we had here in Salt Lake) sounds just like our training in the MTC, except for the people you talk to in the MTC want to see you succeed and the people you actually knock doors on don’t. but it’s pretty true to principal. Probably a good thing I’m not there, I’d ask the questions I HAVE been asked before, and man, if you don’t know the bible really well, you get lost fast! I guess I’ve been doing heaps of studying in that regard though. I’ve finished Jesus the Christ for the third time now, and have been going through the Pauline Epistles again. Heaps of good stuff in there. I’ve also recently done some study on personal questions as well as investigators, and I’ve determined I would be an impossible investigator. It’s been fun and testimony building to do though! Never thought when I came out on a mission I would be doing things like determining if Zoram was a Levite or not. Lots of fun connections between the first half of the book of mormon and the old testament.
Well, time for some questions…. er answers.
So how long has your companion been out now?
Ten and a half months. Same time as me, but he visa waited in Arizona.
Was he assigned to speak Tongan?
No, but he has gotten permission to study it because there have been heaps of people who he could have taught if he could teach in Tongan.
Is it a Tongan ward you are in, or do they all just happen to be English speaking Polynesians?
English speaking Polynesians.
If Elder Rose wasn’t assigned Samoan but is learning it, why aren’t you learning Tongan?
I guess I should clarify. He’s not just learning Samoan, he’s in the Samoan ward. He was put there his third transfer out, even though he wasn’t called samoan speaking. He has no choice but to learn samoan, most of his members and investigators don’t speak anything else.
Are the four of you getting along alright?
Really well. I love being in a four man flat because it brings diversity and someone else to talk to. Especially if it’s been a hard day, or if one of the missionaries is having a moment with his companion, there’s some relief coming back to the flat.
Where in Utah is Elder Rose from?
Dunno. I’ll find out.
Did I just dangle a participle? Yes.
Do you have bikes, car, or do you ride the bus or take a subway?
Walking. Our area is tiny.
I googled your address this week and it looks like you are very close to public transportation.
It also looks like you might live above a pizza place. Is that right?
If it’s true you must love that!
Well, I haven’t been there yet. Austalian pizza tastes nothing like good ‘ol American pizza though.
Any more KFC this week? Good thing you like KFC! (Although it would get old having it several times a week!)
You have no idea. I think chicken is quickly moving up on my least favorite animals list.
How about your Zone leaders? Did you know them?
Can’t really say. I’ve only met them briefly.
Will you take a blanket with you if you have to go sleep with them?
I would advise that for your companion! How is the weather?
It’s cooling down, but it’s alright. It’s funny to listen to Elder Lavulavu though. He’s always like “It’s freezing”, and I just laugh because it’s not even close. He’s really amused when he can see his own breath though.
How is William coming along?
Does he have a baptismal date yet?
Not yet. He’s been taking lessons from the sisters in my last area, and we’re still trying to meet up, but I got to meet up with his member friend that referred him to us and it sounds like he’s really close to baptism and he wants me to do it!
What is his family like and are they supportive of him joining the church?
I’ve never met them, but it seems like they’re alright with it at least.
Do you have any other serious investigators?
Serious in terms of what? We do have a somewhat progressing investigator, but she’s not at all serious! We also have a really good part member family we think we can get baptized, and a 7 year old girl from a really less active family.
Where do you email from?
Right now I’m in a library.
I’m getting ready to send your birthday package. Is there anything you would like me to send (within reason)? A couple of shirts would be nice. The collars are starting to fray.
Elder Shelton