Howdy all!

It’s been a great week down under! Sary was baptized this week, on Easter Sunday! His wife still has a couple of lessons to go through, and then she’ll be getting baptized as well! It was a great service, very last minute, we were going to push his date back so he could be baptized with his wife, but he wanted to go ahead with it and do it on Easter! We only had two days to prepare for the whole thing, it was pretty crazy! While he’s here, we’ll have to take the sacrament to him as his wife most weeks, but he’s as golden as an investigator as they come. It has honestly been great.
Our zone is doing fantastic as well. We had nine of the thirty baptisms last month, and it looks like this month will be another good month. Easter was a bit strange, it was fast and testimony meeting, and so there was no Easter theme, but it was alright. I got the package before Easter (that caused a bit of drama with Elder Perkins, he gets packages routinely and was expecting an especially big one for Easter, and I wasn’t expecting one at all, and so when I got one and his wasn’t there, he was sure that my package was actually his.) I can’t wait for conference this week, I hear that it’s a good one, so Saturday can’t come fast enough!
Time to answer some questions!
So how long are Sary and Saraam in Australia for? Til December
And how come they didn’t bring their kids? The government sponsored them to come over so that sary can get some more education and bring it back to cambodia, but it’s only for him and his wife.
Who has them? Sary’s parents.
Any idea what the church is like in Cambodia? Will they have a support system there? Actually, my ward mission leader tells me that it’s pretty good in cambodia. He’s only about 600 kilometers from the temple, which all things considered for an asian family, is not too bad.
Could you get the Book of Mormon in their language? We already did, a long time ago, but he prefers it in English.
When are transfers again and do you think you’ll be staying? In two weeks. I really want to stay, but I recon I’m leaving.
Well, love you all. Have a great week!
-Elder Shelton