Heaps of things to do

Howdy All!

Sorry, this is going to be short, I don’t have much time to write, Heaps of things to do today, but I’ll try to explain what I can with the time I have.

Transfers were crazy. We had some additional people come in who we weren’t expecting. President had to shuffle things around a bit to compensate, and so we’re back to four AP’s. All four of us are companions, working in the same area, so it’s a bit of a different experience. One of the new AP’s has a special assignment, so he’ll be leaving for a couple of weeks and leave us as a trio, which is a bit easier to work with. It’s been really great though. I really enjoy being with everyone, and it’s especially nice to be with Elder Cunningham again. The work is good, and this week we’ll be able to really get into it (well, we have zone conferences, so there is that), but I’m really looking forward to it.

Time for some questions!

What do you admire most about President Back? He’s very human, and understands the doctrine as it is meant to be. He doesn’t get caught up with all the pharisaical administration of the law. He expects exact obedience, but he knows and understands human weakness and does what he does out of love.

What was a miracle this week?  I guess being able to work with the other AP’s. I still have a lot to learn, and the others all are teaching me strengths where my weaknesses are.

What was a spiritual moment? Sister Back mentioned something as we were planning on zone conferences that pulled us back from administering to ministering. Nice to have some clear thought on how to help people.

Well, love you all. Have a great week!

-Elder Shelton



