Howdy all!
Well it has been a fantastic week down here. Well, a bit of a mixed bag, but a good mixed bag. Let me explain. No. There it too much. Let me sum up:
One of our recent converts has been doing fantastic missionary work and found us an investigator. We went over and taught him the restoration and I’ve never taught somebody so prepared. We gave him the baptismal invitation and he accepted! That was a major highlight of the week. I guess the mixed bag comes because he is actually across the street from our ward boundaries, so we have to turn him over to another set of missionaries. I mean, we’re all on the same team and all, but it would have been nice to see it go all the way through in our ward. But it mattereth not.
Conference this time around was incredible. To be honest, I would not have believed you if you told me I had sat listening to people speak for 10 hours if it were not the fact my body could not move at the end of it. We had to travel a long distance to see conference, but it was really worth it. It was a bit odd to hear the talks translated though. I guess we now know what it feels like for the rest of the non-English speaking world, but it’s just different. Especially the spanish guy, He’s just got a funny way of talking. I really liked D Todd Christofferson’s talk in the first session. It really hit home with me. It was cool to listen to Elder Hamula as well, you know, the talk on the sacrament? Elder Hamula is the area seventy for the pacific, so he’s mine! Anyway, I just have one conference to go before I head home, I can’t really believe it!
This week with Elder Perkins has been a bit of up and down. I guess more up, which is good. We’re both taking things with a lot more humor now, but it’s still kind of tough. I guess it’s all about living what we learn, getting along with people with differences. Still working on it. I do not envy the headache I will have when I awake, but in the mean time, I’ll sleep well and dream of large women.
Well, I guess it’s time for questions:
I’m a bit confused about the girl Kowhai that you talked about though. You said she moved in with the Elder’s Quorum President and new member. Is the EQPres a new member or does he also have someone else living there? The Elder’s Quorum President’s wife is the new member. She was baptized last halloween, so she’s almost not a new member anymore.
It seems a little odd to have a young single adult move in with the EQPres. He must be married and have a family, right? Yep, Two little tornadoes named Ezekiel and Benjamin.
I hope she’s doing all right. Actually, I hope her family will let her come home. I’m sure it’s very difficult to be as young as she is and a single mom; she really needs the support of her family I’m sure. She’s doing all right at the moment. The Family she’s with is the best in the ward, and they’re all trying to work it out. Her little daughter provides an excellent playmate for the other kids as well. But yes, we’re all hoping that things work out and she can go back home.
So you’ve really been getting up to 100 degrees already? Pretty close to that.
How is your district doing and how is DL going? Things are good. It’s strange, I don’t really know what it’s like not to be district leader. Merimbula was weird, you have no contact with the rest of the mission, and ever since then, I’ve been leading the district. Not too sure what it would be like to not be district leader.
Hmm. I’m finding as time goes by I have fewer questions for you each week. Tell me something new that you haven’t told us yet! I can solve rubix cubes.
(Does this remind you of high school when I made you describe school each day with a new word?) Inconsequential.
Well, love you all. Have a great week!
-Elder Shelton