A Good Week

Howdy all!

Well, things have been good this week. We’ve had some really solid lessons, some great new investigators, but nothing really new to talk about. It’s been good, but it’s also been pretty ordinary. A good ordinary, probably better than what I usually have, but ordinary. This may be my last week with Elder Weiss. He’s requested to go to Merimbula, and President thinks he’ll send him there. The big question is if that will be this transfer or next one. I really hope I’ve got one more with him, I know my potential pool of companions now (there aren’t too many other zone leaders), and I’m pretty sure I’ve got the best one. There are a couple I think we’d be able to do well, but it seems like a lot of them are pretty content just coasting out the rest of thier missions. I’ve loved being with Elder Weiss!

What was the miracle for the week?
Probably this lesson we had with this new African investigator. He introduced himself as a missionary, seemed like a strong member of some evangelical sect, and told us when we first met him that if he didn’t like us, he’d throw us out in about 20 seconds. By the end of the lesson, he invited us back next week half an hour earlier so we could have a longer lesson! He drank the restoration in. We only got to the point that the church and authority had been removed, and quickly explained that it had been restored through a modern prophet before he had to leave, but he really wants to come to church to see it now! It was an amazing lesson with him!

Well, love you all, take care!

-Elder Shelton



