Howdy all!
It’s been a great week this week. A bit different than normal, a lot of meetings and stuff, but a good week. First and foremost, thanks to everyone for making my birthday so great. I loved all the little inside jokes! (my companion was really confused, especially with the towel). It was a great birthday, I even got a call from the Sister Back (the mission president’s wife) wishing me a happy birthday. Strange to be 20 now though.
Well, in one year from today, I fly home. In three days, I hit my year mark. It seems strange to have been out for so long. It really doesn’t feel like it. I guess heaps of things are going on at home, and heaps of things have happened here, but it all feels so fast. This week was a bit odd, Elder Lavulavu got sick AGAIN, we had to register to work with children because the laws are about to change (that took all day, but it was cool, we ended up going to Costco to get food for everyone in the zone because we all did it together, and it felt like home) and School Holidays also meant that no one was still home. It was a bit of a low week with numbers of teaching appointments, but it was really good. We especially have been doing some good work with a recent convert. She’s been struggling because of the ward, but she has a really strong testimony. My Birthday was great this week as well. It was probably our most productive day as far as teaching goes, I opened up the present, drank a root beer (we had gotten some at Costco, they don’t have it down here in normal stores) and everything just ran smoothly. Even though we didn’t do a whole heap of teaching this week, it really was fantastic.
Sounds like everyone is having fun at home without me. Oh well. I’m having fun out here without you, so I guess it’s all fair. Just remember that while you’re all burning in Oregeon, Nearly every Elder down here except me is freezing down here. (It got down to 32 degrees farenheight on my birthday in the morning when we went to go play rugby for morning exercise.)
Time to answer some questions:
I’m hoping that you’ve “stolen” some bikes by now. I’m sure it will make it a lot easier to get around. We did, and they broke the second day we had them (Elder Lavulavu crashed on my birthday, the front wheel just came off. Kind of like dad’s friend Kevin)
Do you take the train a lot? Heaps.
Is that a light rail system like our Trax or subway or what? Just like trax.
I didn’t think your area was big enough to take a train around. The area we work in isn’t very big, but we train to members, the other missionaries, and morning exercise, and p-day.
I’m so glad about this new less active woman you are activating. How old are her kids and how many? The ones we’re working with are 11 and 13, but I think she has five. At least one of them is married and lives away.
What are there names and is there a husband in the home? PS(their names, not there) Her name is Katrina, and the two kids are Leon and Sam (Samson)
So what do you hear about William, anything? Not a peep.
Well, sorry for the short letter, but I told you pretty much everything we did this week. Hope you all have a fantastic year/week!
Love, Elder Shelton