A miracle baptism!

Hey, Sorry about the end of the call home. The family we were at runs the internet on credit, and they ran out. (My time was up though, I was going to say good bye right after the last sentence….)

How is everyone doing? I think I told you most of what happened this week over skype, but I do have one more miracle to share. We had a baptism! I wasn’t holding out on you over skype either! It was seriously a miracle. We had a lesson with one of the investigators we have (this was the first time I’d met him) before church on sunday. After sacrament meeting, we went up to the bishop and asked him if he could be baptized that afternoon! I was shocked! We set up the whole thing probably as fast as any baptismal service has ever been set up (I had like five minutes to write a talk for it). His name is John Diaz. I have pictures, but I’ll have to steal them from the sister’s in our ward because my camera is dead. That was all really so cool!

Well, Time for some questions!

So do you have just one companionship in your flat or is it two? Two in the flat. We’re with the zone leaders

Where do you email from? Usually the Canberra National Library, but today the family history center. We may be banned from the family history center after today though, We came in to use the computers without permission, which hasn’t been a problem in any of the other wards I’ve ever been in or heard of, but apparently here, it’s a big deal because missionaries have ruined the computers here before. We had the family history center historian come in and yell at us about it. In hindsight, we probably should have let them know (they had a curtain over the center with a lock on it, but it doesn’t really stop anyone from going in, so we did), but I had no idea that it would be such a big deal, but the lady was pretty mad!

When are your baptisms and tell us about them. We don’t have anything set. Our other investigators have a couple of things they still need to work through before they get baptized, and we think it will happen soon, but it’s on thier time table now, not ours.

Do you have a lot of dinner appointments? Way more than I think possible

Is the ward supportive of the missionaries? Very. This ward has a mission reputation for being the best in the mission

There are 2 companionships in your ward, right? Three. Us, the zone leaders, and a set of sister missionaries

Well, love you all. Have a great new year!

-Elder Shelton



