….Alright, I’m pretty tired, so if this email seem short and incoherent, please don’t blame me…..
It’s been a good week, but there have been a couple of bumps along the road that explain why I’m so tired right now. Elder Phillips (my trainer and the AP) finished his mission, Elder Weiss got transferred, and that’s really the pretty easy parts of it. Transfers yesterday were a nightmare. We woke up at five in the morning to get to Sydney by 9:00. We got there, I found my new companion, we got everything all situated, and we started back down to Canberra. We got about 20 minutes out when we got a call from the AP’s telling us we needed to turn around and sort some other things out. So we did. Our travel details we recieved were very messy and incomplete, so we had no idea we were supposed to take Elder Boswell to his new area and pick up somebody else in that area and take them to Canberra. I think it must have been a really rough couple of days for the AP’s because the all the transfer details just didn’t make sense. They wanted us to take seven people and six people’s luggage in two toyota carrolas. I might not have a spacial engineering degree, but there was something there that just didn’t add up. So we enlisted the help of another zone, and got all the missionaries where they were supposed to be, but we had to leave some of the luggage floating around the mission in the mean time and ride packed like sardines all the way. When we finally got to Canberra, we found that several of the missionaries did not have keys to get into their flats and also had no phone. We eventually got a hold of the keys, but still don’t have their phone. It should be coming down Wednesday with three sisters, their luggage, and all the luggage that’s still floating around, all in one car. I’m pretty tired……..
Well, otherwise it’s been good. Elder Weiss has to go rescue the Spanish ward, it’s on the verge of collapse, so that’s a bit unfortunate, but I’m training another missionary to be a zone leader now. His name is Elder Pederson, he seems like a great guy, and I can’t wait to get to know him. We’re still a bit at the stage where we’re just getting used to having something different, but I think he’ll be a great companion.
I do have pictures to send, it’s just I left my camera today, so I’ll have to work that out another week. Sorry.
Well, love ya heaps! Have a great week!
-Elder Shelton