Howdy all!
All right.I first off have to apologize, but this will be very brief. We had a funeral today, so we didn’t get to the library till late, and it closes soon, so I hope my typing skills serve me well. This week was pretty mellow. Most people are still on holiday, so we spent a lot of time with members asking if they’ll invite non-member friends to a family home evening. Several of them already have people they’re working with to do just that. I love this ward.
Time for some questions!
How is the weather there? Is it a little more moderate than Sydney or not? A bit. It’s a tad cooler right now, but it’s starting to get hotter
Tell us more about this investigator that got baptized in just one day! I’ll tell you more as I know more!
What do you do for P-days? Basketball!
How many other investigators do you have? Five, although we haven’t been able to meet with 2 of them.
Does the ward keep you lined up with people to teach? It’s all in the works, but yes.
What kinds of things have you seen? Samoans! and that’s pretty much it!
Love you all!