Howdy All!
This week has been one of miracles for me. For the first time in four months, we ran into someone who will take the missionary lessons. And then about fifteen minutes later, we ran into another person who will as well. Tracting has been so hard. It’s been tough. I’ve had people call me brainwashed, crazy and wasting my time. I’ve been treated like the scum of the earth by some people. But finding someone who is ready to hear the gospel is nothing short of a work of God.
In other news, it’s been a bit slower. We went up to Canberra for exchanges this week, and that was good. I can’t believe how many people they have to go visit. They were saying to Elder Boswell that this is a slow time for them as well, and that they don’t have as many people to visit as they’d like, but in one day, they had more appointments than I usually have in a week! Elder Boswell and I had some good experience teaching, I taught an excommunicated member and her son who wants to be baptized. I invited them to church but they’re still really hesitant.
Coming back from Canberra was crazy. It was late. It was dark. It was rainy. Rain doesn’t even describe what fell from the sky that day. Let’s just say that if I didn’t know that God covenanted with Noah the earth would never be flooded again, that’s what I thought would have happened. Then there was fog so thick I couldn’t see more then 10 feet in front of me. Put that on top of coming down Brown Mountain, (If you can, take a look at it on google maps, it’s one of the steepest and windiest roads I’ve every been on), it goes without saying that I was scared to death. I really think I had some divine protection that night.
As far as transfers go, I hope to stay for one more transfer. Just through Christmas. I’ll have finished training Elder Boswell by then, and hopefully have a baptism. I’m going to miss the members here though. I’ve gotten really close with some of them, and it will be hard to say goodbye.
The relief society president’s kids are doing great! They just got a new case worker, and as it turns out, the last one they had did not do a single thing about getting the government permission. The new one is pretty keen on getting it for them though, and I think it should come through soon. We’re going to be covering more in depth baptism lessons, and Christmas with them soon, so it should be fun.
I love you all, and hope to hear from you soon!
-Elder Shelton