Adjusting to a new comp; things going well.

Howdy all!

It’s been a great week here in the down under. It’s been a bit of an adjustment to Elder Pedersen, but he’s a great missionary. I guess the hardest thing is that Elder Weiss and I thought a lot the same. We’re totally different people, care about different things, know different things, but when it comes down to how to do something, we were nearly a perfect match. Elder Pedersen has been good though.

Elder Pedersen is from Logan. He came out with me (we actually spent the two days together travelling to our areas.) He’s into drum line, and he’s a good guy, I guess the hardest thing has been finding things that we both relate to well. Even with the gospel, he’s really big into going out of his way to talk to everyone, and I tend to focus on making the lessons with the people we have better. It’s a good mix and balance though, and I think we’re going to have a great transfer! It’s easy to see that he’s going to be a great companion.

We had a great week. We’ve been teaching this Cambodian family, and the husband has been the best investigator I’ve ever seen. He has so much faith. He came to church with us yesterday, he’s been praying every night, and he’s getting answers to his prayers. He feels very welcomed at church, and I’m crying because of how the spirit touches him nearly every lesson. It has been great. I hope I get to finish the mission here in Belconnen.

Well, I guess that’s it from me. Love you all. Have a great week!

-Elder Shelton



