Things have been good here. I was able to go on trade offs with the zone I started in and just came from. We went to the first area I served(Merimbula), and that was a real experience! Unfortuantely, the missionaries down there haven’t really done anything since I’ve left, so I pulled out some names for them to go visit and get to work. Doing trade offs with the area that I just served in was really weird as well. There was one family we visited who for a while didn’t even recognize that I had left the ward! It was really cool to get to work with some of the missionaries I’ve admired my whole mission as well. There are a lot of good missionaries that I’m learning a lot from!
Well, all in all, I’m exhausted, but I’ve never been happier. I’ve never had to do harder things, but at the same time, I’ve never felt more confident doing them. Working close to the mission president is really nice too. Being AP has it’s perks.
Well, I hope you’ve had a good week. Sorry it’s a bit short, I’m short on time, my companion is going home in a couple of weeks, so there are some things he has to get done today so time for some questions!
Have you seen parts of the mission that you had never been to before? Well, honestly, I’ve been to most parts of the mission just over the course of the mission…. There will be a few areas though, and I’ll get to work in places I’ve only traveled through.
What do you think of all the traveling? Nice time to catch up on Hugh Nibley talks.
And do you have to stay overnight sometimes? We literlly spent 4 out of 7 days sleeping on the floor of people’s flat outside our area this week.
Well, love you all heaps! I’ll talk to you next week (literlally!)
-Elder Shelton