Back in Merimbula

Howdy all!

     After a crazy week up in Sydney, I’ve made it back safely to Merimbula (no small feat, I had to drive seven hours on the wrong side of the road, and the blinker is on the other side of the car, so I almost always hit the windshield wipers when I’m about to turn.)
     Elder Serle is doing fine now as far as I know. I don’t know too much because he’s seven hours away, but I think he’s okay. President Lew put him in a flat with some really good missionaries, so they’ll be able to help him and his companion if anything goes amiss.
     As far as I go, I’m training a new elder from Missouri. His name is Elder Boswell, and he’s really shy and quiet (even by my standards). He doesn’t say much at all, except when we’re practicing lessons, then he goes on forever about the lesson and forgets to let me or me as the investigator say anything. Oh well, all things will come in time. He’s interested in some of the same things I am, he’s studying computer science at BYU, but he hasn’t taken as many classes as I have. He’s also the first person who I’ve met that is undecided if he’s a PC or Mac. He says that he never has really used a mac before, but he’s going to buy a Mac-book pro when he gets back. I’ll see if I can save his soul from endless torment, but if not, Woe be unto him.
     This week has been relatively quiet. Like I said, we drove down and made it here late Thursday. Up till now, I’ve gone over the paperwork we do, done some tracting and street contacting, and service, but nothing really exiting so far. It’s strange having to take the lead, I feel so new to all this myself. Going up to a door and knocking, and knowing that he expects that I know what to do and say when someone answers is a bit scary, but I’ve decided to take this head on. I plan over the next couple of weeks to really get to know the location of the verses that commonly come up in lessons and discussion. I know pretty much a verse in the scriptures for anything anyone throws my way, but I just never remember the reference. I’ve also been thinking lately that we’ll need to do a lot more finding, as much as I really don’t like tracting and street contacting, I know that that’s what we need to do these next couple of weeks.
     Well, I love you all, and I hope that everything is going well. I think training will be the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but I’ll do my best, and let God do everything else. Thank you for all the prayers on my behalf.
-Love Elder Shelton
Josh, his new comp (to the right), and the AP’s
(the guy on the left we don’t know)



