Banished to the middle of nowhere and liking it!

Howdy all!

Well, this week has been, well, this week. We had our branch presidency reorganized, so basically the whole branch got new callings to adjust to. I think it’s really good though, our branch president is the guy I told you about that studied Greek and Hebrew at BYU. He’s on top of it! We get transfer calls this week, and that blows my mind because this transfer has just blown by. If I only have five more of those, I’ll be headed home next week! I really don’t know what happened there. I still feel so new to the area and like I just got here, but I’ve been here over a month! Time really isn’t linear out here…. Most likely spins backward like the toilets do….. Actually, the toilets down spin down here, they just go straight down, but that’s besides the point. The work has been really slow this week, and it’s not especially because there’s not a lot of work to do at the moment.

How is Angie doing? …..not well. She still has a strong testimony, but we haven’t been able to meet with her at all this week because of what’s going on……. Pray for her……..

Did you teach more lessons this week than you have been? Any prospects? No. Like I said, the work is going slow. I think I’m going to push Elder Malkovich a bit more this week, but we’ll see where it goes.

Tell us about a miracle this week. Well, a little one I guess. I was feeling really down about what’s been going on with Elder Malkovich, and how it’s slowed the work, but president in his email to the mission wrote something along the lines of : whether it’s baptizing a convert, bringing someone back to church, or helping a struggling companion, saving a soul is saving a soul. I really needed to hear that.

What is your favorite thing about Dubbo? Well, it’s the largest area in the mission. And it’s on the outskirts. This is the second time I’ve been banished to the middle of nowhere and I really like it!

Well, love you all, have a great week!

-Elder Shelton



