Howdy all!
Alright, I guess I should say this first off, things have been really rough this week. My new companion has been a bit more to handle than any of my other companions, and it’s not been easy, please pray for me to help me help him the best I can.
All right, well let’s not dwell on the negatives. This week has been a really good week in a lot of regards. The biggest thing coming up is Emma’s baptism this week! We’ve worked with her and now she’s ready to do it! I think the hardest thing will be keeping her active afterwards though; at the moment, the missionaries are really her only connection to the ward. We’re really exited, and out new ward mission leader is really on to it, so I think that we should be able to do something about it all.
We also have had a small miracle in finding a couple more people. One of our investigators is headed back to the Philippines for a while, so we had a barbeque with her, and her family that’s staying said that they’d come to church when they can!
alright, time for some questions. It’s short, I know, but I think everyone is about to abandon us if we don’t hurry up!
So I have questions… Are you still district leader? Yes. I’ll tell you if I’m ever not anymore.
Do you still have the same Zone Leaders? We have a new one, Elder Cunningham, my MTC companion.
Did most of the missionaries in your zone end up staying in your zone? about half or so.
Do you ever sleep at the zone leaders flats like you did in Paramatta? We did once, but it doesn’t happen too often.
How long had Elder Perkins been out and where in California is he from? 10 months. Santa Rosa
Do you think you’ll stay in that same zone for much longer? I recon I’ll be here for one more transfer after this.
Do you have any other serious investigators? We don’t really yet. We’re hoping the new ones will be though.
I bet you are coming to just love the Polynesian people. pretty much. I’ve been told I have an Islander stomach, and I honestly feel that I’ve been called to serve the Polynesians this half of my mission.
Are they still playing Rugby at the stadium across the street? Occasionally.
Is it warming up at all yet? Some days.