Howdy all!
This week has been the best of my mission! I love working with Elder Weiss! we did so much good work this week I can’t believe it! Eight new investigators, and set three of the most golden people ever on date to be baptized in March! Our members are going crazy, one of them intends to use a couple of our investigators to translate sections of the Book of Mormon into Dinka so we can help their mom understand about the gospel as well! We get to work so hard, and I don’t know if I’ve ever been more tired in my life! Our normal half hour planning has turned into an hour and change in order to get everything in now. We have cut out lunch and dinner so we have more time to work! It’s the best thing ever! Looking over what I just wrote, that’s a lot of exclamation points!
Time to answer some questions!
What are your responsibilities as zone leader? Oh boy. Lots. Collecting numbers, coordinating between the mission president and the missionaries, setting up training’s, going to training’s, giving training’s, keeping the peace, motivating the zone, solving missionaries problems, the whole deal.
Merimbula is in your zone, will you get to go to there? More than likely. It would have been for sure, but the Assistants to the President have asked what areas in the zone need the most help so they can trade off there. So they’ll go to Merimbula because it’s struggling a bit right now, but I think I’ll probably end up going at one point or another.
Is Elder Lavulavu still in your Zone or did he get transferred? He got transferred.
You said last week you will be studying a language? Well, not me studying a language, my companion (although during the time he’s studying Spanish, I’m trying to pick up Maori)
Are there a lot of Spanish speaking people where you are? Hardly any. There is a Spanish ward in Sydney, and he’s served there, but we meet ocassional Spanish people out this way as well.
Do you have any baptisms lined up? Three for March. The most Golden family from Cambodia. Every lesson is a spiritual highlight.
How many lessons did you teach last week? 17
Do you like being a Zone Leader? It’s stressful, but I love it. I love having a companion who works hard.
Which one is Elder Weiss in the picture of the zone? Blond haired goofy kid.
Well, love you heaps! take care!
-Elder Shelton
PS, please ask questions! I just don’t know what to write, questions really help!