Cabin Fever

Howdy all!

I’m going to start this email off with an apology. It’s going to be short, and it’s not because I don’t love you and not even that I’m on the clock. It’s because there’s really not much to report. I got sick this week, really quite bad. (Not to an extent you’d need to worry about it, I was just confined to bed all day and it almost killed me (being stuck in bed, not the sickness, don’t go getting any ideas.)) So I was sick, high fever, really bad throat, chills, the whole shebang, and I’ve just gotten the clearance from Sister Palmer I’m alright to go out. I do still have some funny side effects, I’ve got all these little bumps on my face, hands, and feet, I’m looking and feeling quite like an octopus, so probably no glamor shots this week either. Earlier in the week we went out as normal, but it seems like everyone just had things keep coming up, and they kept pushing it back a day every day until the day I got sick, so that’s my week. I’m doing alright now and I can’t wait to actually do something. I have had the worst cabin fever ever!

Sounds like quite the time you’re having back home. That picture of Emily in the dress is so weird. She looks like she’s getting married or something. It really only now just occurs to me that it’s summer vacation again over there. That’s kind of weird. It’s the middle of the school over here, and it feels absolutely nothing like summer. It’s getting cold and rainy. But it seems like a lot of stuff at home to keep you busy.

I’ve been gone for a really long time. Today marks the one week, one month, one year left milestone, and for you, one day. Time has just flown over here, it’s not even real sometimes. I still sometimes get the feeling I’m going to wake up one of these days so you can drop me off at the mtc. The mission has been absolutely fantastic, and I’ve loved ever minute of it. I’m hoping this week we’ll be able to finally get some of our investigators on date for baptism. I can’t wait to see it happen!

All right, time for questions….

Do they play rugby through the winter? Yep

How is William? Good. He’s getting really pretty close to baptism!

How come the sisters are teaching him and not you? I think he’s just more comfortable with the ward there than the ward here, especially because his fellowship is from that area and would have to make it all the way down here for that.

Well, sorry it’s so short, but I love you all! Have a great week!

-Elder Shelton

Service Project
Service Project

May the force be with you...
May the force be with you…




