Not Eaten By Tongans After All

Howdy all!

All right, I guess I probably ought to explain what the cause of the brevity of my last letter was all about. I think I mentioned we had an all mission p-day, but it was really crazy. Nearly all the elders were there, we had a barbeque (three meat shops sold out from us buying all the meat), we had a touch rugby tournament, and President and his wife even came to it! It was a ton of fun, and I did not end up getting eaten by tongans.

All right, this week has been a pretty good one. We’ve been mostly focused on our investigator who is being baptized soon, and things are going really well. Her family situation is a bit broken, her house is basically just yelling and fighting and swearing and smoking when we’re there, but she’s been doing a really good job, and is ready to be baptized on the 23rd of August! We’re really exited for it, and I’m hoping I’ll be around to see it all happen. Transfers are coming up in just two weeks now, so I’ll know whether I’m going or staying soon! I think Elder Lavulavu is going to go though, he’s been here for six months, and this is only his second area in Australia. He’s exited to go see other places in the mission, and I guess it’s about time. Elder Lavulavu got sick again this week, but we mostly just slogged through it. I think winter here is really hard on him, but it’s starting to warm up and everything seems like it’s not too bad. We’re really starting to work well with the ward now as well, and we’re hoping to see some miracles happen there. I can hardly believe that this week I’ll hit having lived in Australia for 1/20th of my life. It’s going by really fast, and I hear that the second half is way faster.

Seems like everyone at home is doing well though. Keeping busy is good. Funny to realize I actually have some standard of judgment on just how far a 5k is. I’m glad to hear everyone is getting their summer fun in while it lasts. It’s going to be the last month of summer in a couple of days.

All right, time for some questions:

Okay, what in the world is MCM? Missionary Coordination meeting. It’s when the ward mission leader and some other people are supposed to coordinate with the missionaries on how we can help eachother.

That’s awesome that a recent convert brought an investigator. It would be great if that worked out. Is this the same convert that you took to the fireside that was cancelled and who is having trouble making friends with people in the ward? Yes and no. two recent converts came to the fireside that was cancelled, one is having trouble making friends in the ward, the other brought the investigator.

You still haven’t told us about your work in the prison. Not much to tell. We just moved concrete around.

And are you a huge Rugby fan and player now? Fan, not too much. I do know how the game plays for the most part, but it’s not like I get to watch or anything (although when I’m asked, I’m a Paramatta Eels fan)

Are you having regular meals at members homes now? Pretty much every night. Especially after MCM, we found that there was a meal roster that didn’t make it all the way to us.

Well, I love you all. Have fun this week!

Elder Shelton



