Howdy all!
It’s been a great week. I’ve been transferred! Out to the other furthest point of the mission! A little place called Dubbo! Well, it’s actually a decent size, it’s just way out in the country, and the area we cover is mostly small towns except for Dubbo. It’s the kind of place that actually is anything like what Americans actually think of Australia. I’ve been released as district leader to be put on special assignment with my new companion, Elder Malcovitch (I’ll probably have to correct that spelling). Anyway, He seems like a great guy, and I think we’ll get along just fine. We’re with two other missionaries as well, they don’t seem to get along great, but both of them seem like good guys too. It will be the first time this area has had four missionaries, but I think we’ll get it to work. It seems like they’ve had a lot of great work going on here, but it already seems a bit jarred having to deal with the four of us already. We’ll make it work.
The drive out here was crazy, I had to drive about six hours to make it out here, and I had to buy a GPS (if the my account is missing money, that’s why) to figure it out. It was kind of hard to leave my last area though. I’m not really too disapointed to leave my companion or the area, but some of the member families were really hard to say goodbye to. Especially the Ulinabous. They’re getting sealed in the temple this Saturday, and they invited me to come, but because I’m so far away, I won’t be able to make it out there. That’s kind of disapointing. We’re keeping in touch though, and that’s good. I think a lot of good things lie ahead of me out here. They have had two baptisms just recently, and have one planned for the upcoming transfer, so I’m exited about that. We’ll just see how everything plays out though.
Time for some questions:
How did last week go as far as investigators and such? Slow. A lot of people not home, and we spent part of the week saying goodbye to the ward.
Why did Elder Lavulavu want to transfer out of the Tongan speaking? Not sure. He did get transferred out to Canberra though.
Any news on Kowhai or on that investigator that you had in the other ward that you had to give to the other missionaries? We’ve been trying to get a hold of Kowhai for a while. I never got to say goodbye to her. But the investigator we had to give over is getting baptized on the 15th of this month.
Well, take care. Have a great week everyone!
-Elder Shelton