Hey, sorry, this is going to be a short one, we have basically a mission p-day today, so I don’t have heaps of time to write.
This week was a week of mostly administrative work, but it was very productive. As it turns out this is the first MCM this ward has had in seven months (we’re supposed to have it at least every week), and we got a lot cleared up. Our meal roster wasn’t making it all the way to us, so when families would put their name down to feed us, we wouldn’t know about it, and we’ve apparently offended a lot of families. The lady in charge of making it is a bit old, and had been forgetting to let us know about it, but we now have gotten a hold of it and everything should start to clear up.
Also, one of our recent converts brought someone to church this week! She is willing to learn more, and even said that the missionaries are welcome to visit her daughter in the phillipines! We are really exited about her, and we hope to be able to get in a good lesson with her this week.
Alright, I know that was really short, but I’m about to be mobbed by about half the mission, so I’ll skip straight to questions!
So you are staying warm enough? yes
I have been looking at the temperatures in Lumea lately and it’s weird. It’s not all that far away from Sydney and Parametta but it seems to be consistently 5-10 colder. Why is that? Austalia has it’s own rules for everything. Mammals don’t lay eggs – unless it’s from Australia. Snakes aren’t constrictors and venomous -unless it’s from Australia. You are supposed to actually use the letters in the words when you pronounce them – unless its in Australia. Why not weather?
I can’t believe Elder Lavulavu was sick again? Is it the winter chills? He has a bit of history being sick, and coming from a tropical island to here has really taken a toll on him. not sure what it is exactly.
And the picture of that spider, did you just come across it? Actually, we went looking for it. Elder Lavulavu had never seen a Huntsman before, so our member went and found one for him. (that’s a small one by the way)
So have you had many changes in the rules with President Back? A few. It’s basically the same, but he seems more willing for exceptions than our last president was.
Did you get your bikes fixed yet? nope
Does your entire district or zone play rugby in the mornings? The whole zone is invited, it’s mostly just our district plus one companionship that comes though
Love you all heaps. Sorry it’s short this week, but I’m going to be eaten alive by Tongans if I don’t go soon.
Elder Shelton