Howdy all!
Well, The computer I’m on has a time limit, so it will be quick today, but here is how things are going!
We had our first zone conference this week. I’m giving trainings on the united order and not stealing because that’s been a bit of a problem in our mission. It’s been a fun training because I can get pretty animated training on that, but it’s not quite what I’m used to either, I usually train on faith, divine potential or things like that. A bit more worldly than usual, but I guess our mission needs it. It’s great to spend time with the Backs. Both of them have been so great. I tend to think I have a lot of work, and then he’ll say something about having to keep dysfunctional branches from teaching apostate doctrine or giving interviews to missionaries who are committing sins, and then I’m put back into perspective. We’ve been spending a lot of time finding lately, and I’m grateful for it. Finding has been something that I’ve struggled with for my whole mission, and it’s good to have some time to focus on my weaknesses. This week, out mission had a focus on finding, and we’ve done really well, we doubled our numbers of new investigators from last week.
Well, that’s how things are going here. I guess I’ll answer some questions!
So what was a miracle this week? Between me and my two companions (we’re down to three of us at the moment), we found fourteen potential investigators this week.
Have you been able to visit the Sydney Opera House? Nope. That’s in the north mission. The Backs take the missionaries there their last day though, so I will soon.
And have you been able to go back to the temple since being back in Sydney? Nope. The zone I’m in is supposed to go tomorrow, but I’ll be in a different zone doing zone conferences.
Well, I love you all. Have a great week!