Fantastic Week!

Howdy all!

Well, this week has been a fantastic week. We’ve been working really hard with our members for some referrals and they finally came through. We’ve recieved three this week, and it sounds like one more is coming! There’s one of the referrals we haven’t been able to contact yet, seems like he’s out at the moment, but he came up to our member and asked him if he could try coming to our church! Really exited for that. On top of that, one of our new investigator families came to church this week, it was the primary program, and they cried. We have a family home evening with them tonight, and we’re hoping to go over the plan of salvation with them. We have a couple of our recent converts who are really close to going to the temple as well, and we’re helping them get ready for that. All in all, it’s been a really good week for us here. Things with Elder Perkins have been much better this week as well.  The new missionary in the flat is adjusting well, it’s been strange to hear just what was going on down in Merimbula while I was away. Cody, Atika and Haylie still haven’t been baptized. Seems like their mom just doesn’t think they’re ready yet. They are, but she’s their mom, so I guess she gets to make those sort of decisions. It’s been crazy to think of just how long ago I was there. Elder Phillips was my companion over a year ago now. It’s all gone by so fast. Does it seem like that to you? I feel like I’ve been gone maybe two or three months to be honest, time just doesn’t seem to exist the same out here. Maybe it has something to do with the water spinning the opposite direction or something…

Well, anyway, I’m taking a look at what I’ve written, and I know it’s not much, but I just don’t really know what else to say. So I’ll just leave it at that and answer some questions….

Do you feel like the terrorists might be targeting Americans down there? – Don’t think in particular. It seems it’s just Christians in general. We’ve been hearing a couple of stories of muslims knocking doors and asking if the house is christian, and marking it down if it is. It happened to one of the sister missionary companionships in our zone apparently. We’ve also been warned by ward members, we’re not supposed to open the door for anyone at our flat except for missionaries. Lucky for us, we have a really big security system, so I don’t think we’re in too much danger, but for a lot of the other missionaries, especially in a couple of suburbs, don’t have quite the convince we do, and so they’ll have to exercise caution.

So what did you do for P-day last week and what are your plans today? – Played basketball. Probably going to play touch rugby.

Will you take some pictures of your district playing Rugby in the mornings. – I’ll try, but it’s a bit inconvenient to take pictures while I’m running around.

How often do you get to the mission office? – Only at transfers. Probably not that even anymore, president back got rid of transfer meetings.

Also, we love to hear stories. – Well, if I hear any, I’ll let you know.

Love you all heaps. Have a great week!

-Elder Shelton
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