Howdy all!
Well, it’s been a crazy week. We got everyone all transferred up (you have no idea how much work goes into that! It’s nuts!) It was really sad to see Elder Pedersen go home. It will only be a short time before I see him again, which is nice, but I had a bit of a cry when he left. I’m with Elder Cunningham now (That’s pretty cool, I’ll finish with my MTC companion). We’re back down to 2 AP’s for this transfer, so we’re going to be super busy. We were really busy with four of us, it’s going to be crazy with just the two of us now. We’ll have a super busy week this week as well, We were up at 4:30 today. I’ll probably get up tomorrow around 5:00. I’m tired, but it’s good. (I could do with a couple less phone calls, we get phone calls constantly transfer week.) We had a really great departing testimony meeting this time, I felt the spirit really strongly this time, I’m hopeful this transfer will be really good.
I guess I’ll answer some questions now.
….Whoops, I guess you didn’t send any questions….. I’ll send you some pictures when I get my camera back. My bag goes places on transfers and I don’t usually get it back until a bit later. But I promise I have some good ones.
Well, love you all. Have a good week!
-Elder Shelton