Howdy all!
All right, first off, I have to apologize for last weeks extremely short letter, but it was for a good cause. We went to go teach a lesson and we have committed this investigator to be baptized on the 17th this month!
Second off, Emily has told me basically nothing about the engagement, so I’d appreciate if you would rag on her till she hands it over. Thanks.
Well it was a bit of a crazy week this week. We taught the lesson to the above mentioned investigator and he’s super solid. He’s been reading heaps from the Book of Mormon and is super exited for his baptism. He really wants to come closer to Christ, so he’s exited for our next lesson tomorrow on the plan of salvation! We then went and played touch rugby and I rolled my ankle. That took me out for the rest of the day and all the next day (that night was so painful, I think I had about half an hour of sleep), but I’m doing fine now.
We also are teaching another investigator who we found on our way to rugby who has agreed to be baptized on the 24th of this month. That’s just after transfers, so I’m hoping to stay for one more transfer this time to see it happen. I reckon Elder Van Orden may be leaving this time though. Although I don’t know, it’s always totally up in the air, and especially because we have a new mission president. President Lew had a major incident a few weeks back now that put him in the hospital. He’s going to be okay, but he’s been released as mission president to take care of himself. I can’t believe their gone, it will be so weird having a different mission president, and I don’t think we’ll ever have as good of a mission mom as sister Lew. But I guess it is what it is.
I also was able to go on exchanges this week with Elder Barlow. We were working in Merrylands, and unfortunately, that was the slowest day this week. We went out street contacting basically all day, and everyone turned us a cold shoulder. Speaking of cold, it’s getting freezing down here. No seriously. When we went on exchanges we stayed at the zone leaders, and they’ve now moved flats, and gotten rid of all the extra stuff they had including blankets. They’re sharing the flat with some other missionaries in the district, and one of them joked to us saying that we could use the garbage bags and oven mittens because they don’t have any extra blankets. We all had a bit of a laugh about that, and tried to go to sleep. It was so cold I woke up about every 15 minutes. Eventually, I looked at the Elder who I was on exchanges with, and he had grabbed all the garbage bags and was wearing the oven mittens over his hands and the hotpads over his ears. I though I would follow suit, but he had taken everthing, so I did the only thing I could. I used my shirts and pants I packed for tomorrow as blankets, and tried to get some sleep. We looked absolutely hilarious when we woke up.
I’ll probably be calling you about six to seven your time on mothers day. Man I can’t believe it’s here already. Time flies. I’m about two weeks and two months short of a year being gone. Nearly hit the halfway mark and I still don’t have the accent I want. Although it’s a bit harder to pick up here than Merimbula, most people from here are not Aussie, so I don’t have too much exposure to the accent. Who knows? I may come home with a tongan accent instead. Strange now, I can tell the difference between most of the islanders accents. At least Tongan and Samoan.
Well congrats to all in school. Seems like everyone is getting all sorts of accolades and accomplishments. Man we have a smart family. Well keep it up. Emily won’t escape school for another couple of years, Brig has just one more year to go, and Rachel has a bit, but we’re all getting old too.
Well, love you all, have a great week!
-Elder Shelton
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