Big Changes

Howdy all!Well, as it seems you’re all guessing, it’s been a week of big changes. I guess first off, I’ve been made a Zone Leader! I’m companions with Elder Weiss. He was in the flat with me last transfer, and he’s a really good missionary. As a zone leader, I should usually have really good companions. As I’m quickly finding out, Zone leaders really need good companions because things are really tough and stressful! I had no idea just how much work all the things the zone leaders do actually was! I’m elated in that regard though. We both are working to have nine more baptisms before the end of our missions, and I think we’ll be able to do it. There is however, a flip side to the coin. President called and has put me on special assignment. Elder Perkins is in the flat now. President wants me to keep an eye on him and his companion. His companion is great, but is already showing signs of wearing down. Pray for us that things will be all right.

Well, despite it being a big week in terms of changes, that’s pretty much all I have to say about it. Not too much else going on. Elder Perkins and Elder Randal (his new companion) got lost coming down here because they didn’t have their phone, and we were running around trying to get everyone else situated, but that’s been the most exiting part of the week (with Elder Peleuale, we mostly just said goodbye to some families).

Well, time for some questions!

Did you have to drive to Sydney? Nope.

Do you still have a car or not? Yep. The area I was in lost it’s car, but I moved to the other part of the ward which still has a car!

Did you have your baptism on Saturday and did her dad get to baptize her? Well, it wasn’t our baptism, it was the sisters, I didn’t get to go because I had to deep clean the flat with Elder Wiess (our companions went though) but he did get to do the baptism, and we were a part of the confirmation.

Tell us how the work is going and about your new comp. Where’s he from, how long he’s been out, etc. Originally, Seattle Washington, but he moved to Logan when he was 14. He came out the same time as me, we’ll go home together. He is called Spanish speaking, which will give me a little time to study language during the morning hours. He’s crazy driven, and I think I’ll have to play a bit of catch up to keep up with him.

Are you still having summer weather? Strangely enough, no. It’s been freezing the last little while, and it’s supposed to be the hottest time of the year right now…. I guess Australia is broken…..

Are you eating your vegetables at all? I try. It should be better now that I’m not with an islander. Elder Wiess is a bit of a health nut, so I think it will be much better this time around (we bought fruits and veggies for the first time in forever today!)

Love you all heaps. Have a great week!-Elder Shelton

Canberra Zone
Canberra Zone



