“I’m loving it.”

Howdy all!

Well, it’s been a good week down here.

The work for Elder Lavulavu and I has been fantastic. We’re really doing well together, and I’m hoping he doesn’t leave at the end of the transfer. We have had some difficulty getting in to see our most promising investigator because his mom is really dodgey. We really need to get in and set the baptismal date with him though. We have an absolutely hectic week planned for this week, so I’m really looking forward to it. I’ve been told that Elder Lavulavu is doing much better this transfer than before, he’s become an obedient missionary, and we’re seeing success because of it! He’s got some really interesting stories from back home. He’s really funny, and these last couple of weeks with him have been a blast!

We’re  having a bit of a problem with the ward. We have a couple of really strong good members, but they’re all in leadership positions that demands lot of their time. This week we had eight people we were trying to get to church, and we weren’t able to get a single one of them there. Everybody who is willing to give a ride is in meetings all morning, and can’t really help. It’s become a bit of a problem for one of the recent converts in the ward. She is taking it really hard that the members aren’t terribly helpful to her. She is the ward family history consultant now, and so she worked really hard making treats for the whole ward with these well prepared commitment cards to take five family names to the temple. Virtually nobody in the ward has kept the commitment, but they all remember the treats she made. She’s also been working hard to have her brother take the missionary lessons, but one of the missionaries (no one I know), came up to him and said “you should come to the true church like your sister.” He took quit a bit of offense at that, and as a result, didn’t come to church this last week. (he usually comes with her and goes to YSA).  It’s been a bit rough honestly. We do have some really great members here though, so we’re making do with what we’ve got.

Well, I guess that probably sounded a bit more depressing than you wanted to hear, but don’t worry about me. Things really are going great, and I’m hoping to have a miracle happen with this investigator soon! I’ve loved the mission, and I hope that everything is going all right back home.  A mission is really like nothing else I’ve ever experienced, and I’m loving it.

Talk to you all soon!

Elder Shelton



