Howdy all! It’s been a fantastic week down under!
First things first, I’m staying in Merimbula for another transfer! I’m really exited for that actually, because I get to spend Christmas with people I already know really well. And the area is picking up quickly!
This week we went to go visit an investigator we recently picked up named Fae. We dropped over by her house and said hello, then she said something along these lines “Hi, I’m sorry, I can’t have you over at the moment, I’m not feeling to well. You said something about teaching lessons, I think I may like that. I can’t have you over at the moment, but I just found the book you guys have and I’m going to read it this week. I have really benefitted from reading the pamphlets you’ve left me already, and I really the both of you. Can you stop by next week?” I was really surprised. We hadn’t brought up the book of Mormon with her yet, and before we could go and talk about it (what we planned to teach her this week) she had committed to read it. She sounds like the things she has already learned has been very helpful to her, and she really wants to change. I’m super exited for her!
We also talked to another investigator this week who I think is almost ready to be baptized. We had a good lesson with her this week, and she says that she believes the book of Mormon is true and that our faith is the one she feels the best with. We invited her to church this week, but she didn’t show, so we’ll see what’s going on this week. I think it’s time to set a baptismal date with her to really help her progress.
I’m super exited for this next transfer. Both I and Elder Boswell, as well as the rest of our district, are all in the same area. I think good things are just ahead!
Thanksgiving was kind of boring over here. Elder Boswell and I celebrated by going to Mcdonalds and getting a soft serve ice cream and apple pie. The other Elders in our district were invited to a big thanksgiving dinner held by the americans in the area. Oh well.
(In our weekly letter to Josh we told him about the movie, “The Saratov Approach” that we saw on Thanksgiving. It’s about two missionaries in Russia who are kidnapped and held hostage for ransom)
As for the movie , I don’t think we’d be held hostage. Literally no one can get a hold of weapons of any sort down here. Our problem is getting people to let us into their houses. If I’m in any danger of any sort, it’s from snakes and spiders. Apparently, one of our investigators in this last week has found two brown snakes in her yard. She said that was unusual, because the red-belly black snakes keep them away. For all those who don’t know, the brown snake is like the second or third most deadly snake in the world, and the red belly black snake is an enormous constrictor snake, and if that’s not enough, it’s deadly venomous on top of it. Those are the kinds of snakes that lurk in people’s front yards here. As far as spiders go, the sheer size of them is enough to scare you to death. Take a look at the huntsman spider on google or something, and realize that that’s pretty much the only spider that Idon’t have to worry about. They have these nasty spiders called whitetails that have a venom that literally corrode and dissolve the body part that’s bitten, and if you do get to a hospital, the part that is bitten will blister every year afterwards. Then there’s Funnel webs. Poison will kill you in about 2 hours, they can live basically anywhere, including in air bubbles under water. Just some food for thought.
As for Christmas calls, I can call / Skype you on Christmas. That’s all I know at this point. I’m not even 100% sure it will be Christmas day. We’re headed up to Canberra this week, so I may find out more details there. Thanks so much for the Christmas stories though. I’ve really enjoyed reading what I have of them (I’m trying to keep most of it for the Christmas season, which only has happened as far as yesterday for me, and it’s really weird to think it is. When it’s 80-90 degrees out, I’m sweaty, and listening to Christmas Hymns, I feel a bit confused).
I love all you all. I can’t wait to call and talk. Just promise me you’ll still wake up at 3:00 a.m. and be exited for Christmas without me there to remind you.
Love Elder Josh Shelton