It Is Home Here

Dear Family,

This week was a really good week. On Tuesday we were able to go to our mission conference with Elder Vinson. It was really incredible. He has such an insight to everything. He talked about a lot of things that have made me think about my own missionary work. President and Sister Heid and Sister Vinson also spoke. The theme seemed to be obedience which I loved. I rode home that night with Elder Buys and had a really great conversation about it all. I have come to love all of the people in my apartment and it will be a sad day when somebody has to go. It was a really good day. We were able to do some service this week as well. Elder Johnson and I helped one of our investigators wash clothes and fetch water as well. It was super fun but incredibly hard. I have a ton of respect for African women.

Our investigators are coming along as well. We have one we are teaching whose name is A______. He is from upper east region and he has had to leave his family to get work here. He gets up at 3 every morning to ride his bike 2 hours to get to his job, then sometimes doesn’t get home until 12 but he still somehow finds time to make it to church and for us to meet him. He really doesn’t have much background in religion at all. He comes from a village. When we first met him he said his favorite food was tea. We taught him the word of wisdom and he took all of him tea and gave it to us. He hasn’t had a sip since. He have slowly been teaching him about the plan of salvation, he had no concept of life after death at all. It was incredible to see him grab hold of something he never before knew. He really wants to be with his family forever. He asked us when he could be baptized before we asked him. I have never seen someone with so much faith. He is the perfect description of our mission scripture Mosiah 3:19 As a child, submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love.

We have another man named S_______. When we first met him he said he hadn’t been to church in a long time because he felt like God had forgotten him. We have been working with him for some time now. He has a lot of faith and really takes what we say to heart. He told us the other day that when we first met we said something that touched his heart and he knew that even though we were two young white guys he had to listen because what we were saying is true. He takes notes during the lessons and is truly on the repentance process and becoming truly converted. It is always a joy meeting with him.

For Valentines day we baked brownies and gave them to one of our investigators. She said it was the first time she has gotten a Valentines day present. It was really touching to me that a small act meant so much to her.

It was a really good week. No transfer so I will be staying in Tema with Elder Johnson for at least 6 more weeks. Elder Buys and Ojaide are staying as well. It is home here.

Sounds like there are so many good things happening back home. I love you all so much. Keep the Valentines day love in your hearts.

Elder Shelton

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