An email from the Mission President:
Brother and Sister Shelton,
Elder Joshua Allan Shelton arrived in the Australia Sydney South Mission safely. Thank you for entrusting him into our care for the time of his mission. Sister Lew and I are mindful of the great trust you have placed in us by sharing your son with us. When he arrived, we met him at the airport and took him to the mission office, where he was introduced to the office staff and some of the other missionaries. This was then followed by lunch and orientation.
Elder Shelton companion is Elder Phillips from Perth, Australia. They will be serving in Canberra.
Please note that all mail is to be sent to the Australia Sydney South Mission Office:
Elder / Sister ___________
Australia Sydney South Mission
PO Box 456,
Mortdale NSW 2223
For parcels
Elder / Sister ___________
Australia Sydney South Mission
2 Breakwell St,
Mortdale NSW 2223
Our mission is considered to be one of the most beautiful in the world. I am aware that the Lord blesses the families of missionaries in many special ways. As your son serves, you will find that to be very true. Your support is greatly appreciated. You may contact the mission president, should the need arise, at at any time. Missionaries are allowed to send and receive email. They check it at the local library on preparation day, which is usually Monday but can change depending on weekly circumstances.
Warmest Regards,
President Larry J. Lew