Howdy all!
Well this week has been a bit of a slow week. I was out of my own area nearly the whole week. I had exchanges twice, a baptismal interview in the middle of nowhere a fireside I had to speak at, and Elder Perkins had a sick day. Really, really slow. Well, the exchanges were both really great, fantastic miracles in both of them, but as for my own area, really slow.
It sounds like it’s been a great week at home. Sorry to hear some good missionaries are leaving. I think I’ll probably be leaving as well. Transfers are this week, and I’ve been here for a long time. It’s kind of strange. I’ve kind of found a place in this ward. I’ve been teaching the gospel principals classes for about twelve weeks now, and I’ve developed some close friendships with a lot of the members. It will be strange to have to fit into another ward, this transfer or whenever it comes. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking, and it seems strange that I’ve only had three areas my whole misison. I was thinking I’d probably have 10-12 or something, but I think I’ll probably end up with 5 if the current transfer rare continues. Just about 8 and a half months left. Time has just flown. I’m not too sure I’ll be ready to jump back into civilian life when the time comes. I guess leaving the mission will be just as much an act of faith as coming out!
Time for some questions:
What is a rescue visit? I guess this program isn’t really implemented in Utah, It’s a really big thing over here. Every week, quorum and auxiliary leaders, as well as the missionaries are supposed to come together and go visit less actives. It’s actually kind of the focus of ward-missionary correlation, and I thinks it happens everywhere but Utah.
What is Lema’s husband’s name? Andrew
What led you to being so close to them? Well, they were actually the first family we visited in the ward. They’re one of the on top of it families, so of course we go visit them, they really help with missionary work. I guess a lot of the relationship also comes from it fell on us to teach the new member discussions. Her visiting teachers were actually supposed to do it, but they still haven’t visited her and she really wanted to get them done.
Have you ever had Elder Hamula speak to your mission? Once. I was in Merimbula though, so I couldn’t make it up to hear him speak.
I relistened to his talk the other day while I was walking and it was very good. Do you have access to the Ensign? Ocassionally.
Have you finally learned to text? Yep. Still pretty slow, But I can do it.
Do the Australians celebrate Halloween? Kind of. A couple of kids go trick or treating, but it’s not a big thing. No decorations, very simple costumes, and at least last year, I didn’t see any jack-o-lanturns.
How is Kowhai doing? She’s back at home, and there’s still a bit of tension. We found out this week that it’s because of her little daughter, Thailia. She’s just turned two, and her parents want her out of the home and in school, but Kowhai hasn’t been able to find one. Andrew has been helping them work it out, and they seem to be managing for the time being.
Well, love you all heaps. Talk to you soon!
-Elder Shelton