Looking forward to this transfer…

Howdy all!

Well, things have been good this week. I think I’ll mix it up and start with the questions this

The Ulinabous Family in Lumeah
The Ulinabous Family in Lumeah


Tell us about the area, investigators, members and branch? I’ll save that for the second half

Where is your new companion from and how long has he been out? Also see second half

Tell us a little about him, his likes, dislikes, does he like to run in the morning? Will have to wait for the second half

Are the four missionaries in Dubbo living in one flat or do you have two different flats? We’re all in one flat.

Do you like the other missionaries? Yes.

What other towns do you cover? A lot. take a look at a map. Find the halfway mark between Orange and Dubbo. From the halfway point all the way to the Victorian border. All of that is our area.

Did you drive out to Dubbo with your companion and are you the designated driver? Yes I did. Out here, because we all drive so much, there is no designated driver

Will you be driving a lot?  Heaps. We have a three hour roadtrip tonight that we’ll be spending overnight at an investigators.

Are you going to see a lot of exotic animals again?  If by exotic, you mean snakes and spiders, yes. This is where all the dangerous stuff lives.

Is your district just the four of you or does it cover more than that? It’s got a couple of sisters in it as well, but I haven’t met them yet.

Did you hear from Lema’s family about their temple sealing? Yes! All went well!

You mentioned a few weeks ago that your convert Emma doesn’t come to church much because she’s in the hospital on Sunday mornings. Is everything okay? Is she really sick? Well, I don’t know anymore, but she was in the hospital because she had third degree burns on her leg and they had to do skin grafts. The last I heard from her was that the government will probably be taking custody of her because her mom hasn’t been sending them to school everyday, and their family keeps having problems that gets them arrested.

All right, I guess it’s now time for the lowdown on what’s been happening here. It’s been a really productive week, I’ve taught heaps of lessons, and set a baptismal date for the 22nd with one of the investigators up here. We had three investigators come to church, and while it’s been like the second or third highest teaching week for me ever, it’s been tied for the lowest week that’s happened out here in about six months! The work out here is booming, and it’s going to be a lot of fun!

I guess the flip side of things is I don’t really know who my companion is at the moment. I was assigned to Elder Malkovitch. However, when I got here, the two missionaries already here had been really struggling with each other, and they talked to President about it, and we’re on semi-permanent tradeoffs for the time being.  On the other hand, Elder Jones and Elder Malkovitch don’t really get along. Elder Jones is really obedient, and a great missionary. I get along great with him as well, and just my thoughts have me thinking I may end up being his companion too. Oh boy. We’ll just see where I am in a few weeks. For the time being, my companion is Elder Detton, and like I said, we get along great. He’s into a lot of the same stuff I am, so we always have a lot to talk about. I don’t know how permanent it is, so that’s why I left those questions above blank, I’m not exactly sure who’s my companion at this point.

The work out here is great. The branch is small, around 20 members, but they have a decent chapel here.  I’m really looking forward to this transfer period!

Well, love you all, have a great week!



