
     Hey all. Its me. Everything over here is going well. I have a great companion, Elder Phillips, who is from New Zealand, but moved to Perth before he came out here. The weather is really nice, middle of winter and 60 degrees. We were sent to the farthest point south in our mission, so we had to travel an additional six hours to get here. Our apartment, or flat, as they’re called out here, is a little beat up, but pretty nice. We’re literally next door to a McDonalds, a Pizza place, and Ice Cream shop, so I think I’ll be Okay.
     The work has been slow, but I think it will pick up here a little soon. The last missionaries left us with a bit of a situation, and didn’t really keep records well, so there’s a lot of administrative work we still have to do. As far as money goes, everything over here is really expensive. It costs about $10 for a meal at McDonalds (it only costs between 6-8 back home, and you get way more food for all of you who don’t eat drink and live fast food). We have not had a whole lot of success so far, although we have had to play a lot of catch up recently, and I think we’ll start to be able to teach investigators really soon. The people here are really nice, although we’ve been warned by our ward mission leader not to be too pushy with them, or to go tracting too late. He knows from first hand experience, because he served his mission in this exact spot three years ago.
     The members have been feeding us, and the food here is really good. Even the fast food is higher quality than back home, I can’t ever remember going to McDonalds and feeling like I had just eaten something after eating there. The McDonalds here even have little bakeries inside, and they sell stuff like cookies and banana bread. Cars on the wrong side of the road is really weird too. Sometimes when Elder Phillips makes a turn, I have a small panic attack because I think he is turning into oncoming traffic instead. I’m glad to be able to hear from you guys, and I hope everyone enjoys Trek. (Sorry Emily, I guess you’ll be all alone). I hope to hear from you all soon!
Love Elder Shelton.



