Howdy all!
It’s been a bit of a week out this way. Elder Detton was emergency transferred on Tuesday, so the dynamics of how things in our flat have changed. But you’ll never guess who came to replace him! Elder Van Orden! It’s been good to see him again. We’ve done quite a bit of catching up on old times. Elder Jones is still figuring out how to work with him, so I’ve been giving him the insight I had from serving with him, but I’m really exited to be in the same flat as him again. The work is starting to progress (finally) because there’s quite a bit less contention. Working with Elder Malkovich has been good. He still has his struggles, but in a lot of ways is a really good missionary. The two of us are trying to figure out the area for ourselves now, being the fifth week into the transfer now! Kind of a late start, but things should start to pick up here soon.
The work is progressing now, but it’s slow. The people we’re working with are….. well to be blunt, a bit crazy. They’re good people, just have some interesting ideas and such. We have two weeks to figure out the area for ourselves, because previously we’ve had companions who know the area. Church is good, but our investigators all disappeared this week. I don’t think it’s for anything unusual, although this was supposed to be a special sacrament dedicated to the investigators so that was a bit strange.
It’s almost Christmas! My last one! I never want another green Christmas again! Ever! I love and miss the snow. I don’t care if it’s warm there now, it better snow soon.
Well. I guess I’ll start answering questions then…..
How is Angie (Josh’s recent convert) doing? Well, she’s losing her home because of her mom….. it’s complicated. She’s still strong at church, but her personal life is tough at the moment.
So do you think you’ll stay in Dubbo through Christmas? Decent chance. I don’t think President would put me here with Elder Malkovitch for it to last two actual weeks, but we’ll see.
Would you say Dubbo is an affluent town or not or some of both sides? Most of it is really poor. There’s one section is called the bronks, and that’s a really scary place to go.
What do they have you doing at church? For now, nothing. I was supposed to give a talk yesterday, but somehow, I didn’t end up on the program.
How is the branch mission leader? He’s great! Probably the best member of the branch. He’s the kind of guy who went to BYU and studied Hebrew and greek so he could read the bible in its original translation.
Where do you email from? Funny enough, a tabbacco store. We’re trying to find a new place, especially because it’s so expensive, but we have pretty limited resources out here.
Well, love you all. Have a great week!
-Elder Shelton