New Mission President

Howdy all!

Well, things have been great this week. Because of the new mission president coming in, there was a couple day lag for most of the mission, (transfers, zone meeting, and a recent convert fireside (that got canceled and we had no idea until about half an hour after it started. We were really embarrassed because we brought two recent converts, and we were the only ones there)) but things are going great! The new president is really funny. He keeps telling us that he has no idea what he’s doing yet, but I think he’s the perfect person for the job. He really seems to connect with everyone here, and I feel like he’ll work really closely with the missionaries. The work has been moving forward this week too. We finally got in to visit one of our less actives who we’ve been trying to visit with for ages. It went really well, and she told us she wants us to teach her kids and help get them baptized! We have a family home evening with them tonight, so I’m really exited about that. We’ll let you know what’s going on, but I think it should be happening fairly soon, one of her kids seems really on the ball, and willing to come to church, and now the mother is really behind it all and trying to come back herself! In other news, I was getting so hungry I could eat a horse, so I did. Really, I’ve eaten horse now. The Tongans basically eat anything that moves, and horse is considered a delicacy (although I’ve heard dog is just as common, and no way will I eat dog). It was pretty good though, I do have to admit. Elder Lavulavu and I are still on our own for now, and it doesn’t look like it will change. It’s been a lot more quiet, although we do talk to the other missionaries in our ward a lot more now.

As for back home, I bet the fourth was a bit sad this year. All the pyrotechnics are in foreign countries! Sounds like the ward back home is doing well, and that you are all keeping busy with one thing or another, being tennis, weddings, car crashes, late night games whatever. Better to be doing stuff while school is still out, eh? It’s really kind of weird you’re all out of school now. Next week, everyone goes back to school to start third term. I miss the American way of doing it. And American food. But it’s all good. Now to answer your questions.

What do you guys usually do for P day? Here, we normally go to the chapel and play basketball or volleyball.

Are you still district leader or not? Yep, my district has changed a bit, but I’m still leading it.

What’s the typical missionary day like? 

Wake up at 6:30 (recently 6:00 so we can go play touch rugby for morning exercise) exercise till around  7:30 shower and change 8:00 personal study 9:00 companionship study 10:00am-9:00pm depends on the day. We have an hour for lunch and dinner which moves around depending on what time of day is least productive. Usually though, Dinner is at 8:00 because that last hour of the day is really hard to contact people in, and lunch is around 10:00 or 11:00 because the people who we contact before that usually are still sleepy and grumpy. We visit members, less actives, and investigators in between, and also follow up on potential investigators if we have any. All of our finding is done on the way from place to place, usually the train station is the best place to find people.

How was the mission conference and the new Mission President?

Great. Like I said, He’s really funny, and it’s obvious he’s the person God needs here in the mission right now.

Do you have bikes yet?

Kind of. We still need to steal them from the other elders who have them. One of them has a really bad knee injury and can’t ride. (the getting new bikes was actually in my last area, we still hadn’t gotten them before I left, I’m not sure if they have them yet. Sisters are in that area now, and I’m not sure if they give sisters bikes)

Well, love you all. Have a great week in the up over, alright?

Elder Shelton



