No more KFC and BigMacs!

Howdy all!

Well, I sure hope that all of you had a great week this week. Congrats to the newlyweds! (It just crossed my mind that I’m not entirely sure how to spell my own sister’s last name anymore….. All of her kids are cursed to be called Fankenhouser from here on out……). My mind has been on home a little more than usual this week, and I’m glad to here that it all went smoothly. Brigham mentioned Tom Sprunt said that that was one of the kind of events that I’d rather be in and then out, and that’s probably true, but I would have stuck it out for my big sister. Although as it turns out, the food doesn’t seem to be that big of a pull anymore. I’m honestly just a bit sick of eating. I’ve been gaining heaps of weight, and the fact I’m pretty much only eating dinner nowadays anyway isn’t changing anything. I swear if I have to see another bucket of KFC or another Big mac I’m going to request to serve out in the bush, at least four hundred kilometers from any sort of restaurant. Well, all things aside, I don’t think this was a KFC type of event anyway, so good on you all. I hope that everyone gets some rest. It seems like from all of your emails that your all pretty tired. Weddings don’t put themselves together it seems. Back to school, back to work, I guess life keeps rolling on, whether or not I’m home. In some strange ways, it feels like life back at home has been paused, and I’ll go back to Rachel being in middle school and brigham just starting high school. Man, From the pictures, they’ve both gotten tall! At least Andy has stayed short!

This week was a bit better than last week for the work. We’ve gotten a couple of lessons on the trains and such, but really not too much is happening. Transfers are this Monday, so you’ll hear from me Tuesday about where I am, but I’m kind of hoping to go. I don’t think I will, I recon that I’ll be with Elder Perkins for one more before that happens. On the other side, I think his parents are really worried about him. He’s gotten more packages since I’ve been with him than I’ve gotten any sort of mail my entire mission. Keep praying for him and me.

In any case, I don’t think I’ll be all dead by the end of this, which means I’ll be slightly alive. I’m glad to hear that there is so much good going on at home, and hopefully, after this stake conference that we just had (the focus was on hastening the work, not just hearing it but internalizing it), we’ll see a boost in the missionary effort here.

Well, take care. I love you all and think about you often.

-Elder Shelton



