Positive, uplifting experiences…

Howdy all!
It’s been a great week this week. A lot of positive, uplifting experiences and a surprising amount of changes.
First off, I guess I should let you know that the other missionaries in the ward moved to our flat. I’ll admit, I’m a little disappointed in the mission office on this one (let me explain). The flat they’ve been in has been on the “get missionaries out of here, it’s dangerous” list for over a year now, and nothing has really been done about it. As soon as the last Elders moved out of our place, we told the AP’s several times, and the person in charge of managing the flats several times, that we had space to move them into. They said “we’ll think about it”, and we never heard back from them. This Friday, they gave the missionaries a one day notice they had to be out of the flat. Initially, they were going to move the Elders to an hour and a half train ride away (we’re a two minute train ride from their area) into a flat with four people already in it, but our zone leader said, “why don’t you just move them to Leumeah, they’ve got space and it’s the same ward and way closer to their area” to which they agreed. Oh well, I guess they’re busy with a lot of stuff, and it doesn’t really effect anyone’s salvation.
Along with the move, I got to do 2 baptismal interviews this week! I love doing those, and it’s been ages since I’ve done one. I really loved seeing the two young women prepare to be baptized, and their families are really great as well, looking to be baptized soon. I’m a little nervous if I’ll be around for our own baptism or not, I think Elder Lavulavu is going to go though. I recon we’re in for some major changes this transfer, so I’ll let you know where I am next week!
Church this week was fantastic. We have gotten a new ward mission leader, and he’s set up a coordination meeting this Wednesday. Fast and Testimony meeting was really awesome as well, and then we taught a great lesson on fasting to the recent converts in gospel principles. We then had a great lesson in Elder Quorum about the Proclamation to the Family that blew me away. We finshed the day off with a recent convert fireside, and got to hear some miracle conversion stories. All in all, a really great day.
Time for some questions!
I so hope you are there for the baptism of your investigator on the 23rd. What is her name? Emma Copland.
Tell me a little more about her and her family situation. Her mom is a member but inactive, right? Yes. Her family comes from a really rough background, her mom used to be a drug addict, and has 14 kids. Her mom is great though, and is trying to come back to church. Emma’s Older Sister, Faith, is a member as well, also less active, but is usually pretty good at coming to church with her little sister. Some of the other siblings are investigating in other parts of the country, and we see them every so often as well.
Also, what about the investigator that the new convert put you in contact with. Did you have a chance to teach him/her this week? No, we haven’t had a formal sit down lesson with Tess yet, but we plan to tomorrow. We’ve ran into her several times, but she’s been feeling a tad under the weather at the moment.
Love you all, have a great week!
Elder Shelton



