Quick Note

Howdy all!

      Sorry, this will probably be short, we only have a couple of minutes to email today (yesterday was Australia day, so our place we email was closed), and the keyboard I’m using was specifically engineered to make it hard to type quickly.
     It’s been pretty good over here. We finally have a handle on everything, and people are starting to open their doors to us. We’re doing pretty good, and this week should be fantastic! The cockroaches are back and forth, just when we think they’re gone, we wake up to find them crawling all over. we’ve literally spent over 50 dollars in cockroach stuff. We’ve been keeping all the food sealed and away as well, and been meticulous about cleaning up after we eat. I guess some things just take time.
     Time for some answers!
How far away is the church and why don’t you email from there?
     About 8 kilometers, and we can’t really just walk there, and they don’t have computers that I really know of.
So where is your comp from?
     Blackfoot, Idaho.
What are you doing for P-days
     Cleaning and sleeping. We’ve been super busy for the last couple of p-days, so we haven’t had time to do anything fun until now, but there’s also not much fun to do around here.
     Thanks! I love you heaps!
Elder Shelton
PS, questions are a great way to get more content out of me. I have a hard time thinking of what to say, and on top of that, it’s much faster to answer questions!



