Rats and Birds


It’s been a bit of a tough week as far as work goes this week, but it’s been great! So, we only taught four lessons, and they were all on the street, but we got to listen to conference! That was amazing “You shouldn’t roam through gargbage.”- absolutely fantastic! It was so great, and it went by so fast! I took 14 pages of notes, and still found myself thinking there should have been more speakers! I was a tad disappointed at the turnout for the saturday sessions though. It was the entire stake that was supposed to come, and there were only three families besides the missionaries. The Sunday sessions were packed though.

An interesting experience also happened to me at conference. I got peed on by a rat! No seriously, I was going to the restroom, standing at the urinal, and some drops of water hit me on the head. I found that very strange, that doesn’t usually accompany a restroom trip, but I thought there may be some leaky pipes or something, so I looked up. I looked up just in time to have several more drops nearly hit my face, so I moved back and found the drops coming from a vent, I looked for where it came from and saw a rat scurry off down the vents. Oh boy.

As for the work, not much has been going on. We’ve been looking for people to teach this week, but I’ve been flipped enough birds I think I’ll open an aviary. Man, the people here can be brutal. Just this week, I’ve heard I’m in a cult, my country is the bane of the world, and several other things I won’t mention. But you know what I’ve found? It’s pretty hilarious. No honestly, I walk away from most of those encounters laughing, trying to hold back bursts that would let them hear me. Strange thing eh? Never would have imagined that before I came out here.

As for the Fijian investigator, she hasn’t actually left yet. It will be soon, but she doesn’t know the exact day. We’re working with her to try to get her baptized before she leaves. That way, she’ll be able to attend church with her family back in fiji, and it won’t be so weird to her.  The guy who was interested we’ve picked up as an investigator. He can’t meet with us at the moment, but he will finish moving in soon, and then we can talk.

Well, Happy Easter Everyone. It’s the most important holiday of the year, so make the most of it.

Sorry I don’t have more to write. Like I said, just mostly angry people and conference this week, but with any luck, you should hear all about the thousands of people who we are teaching soon!

-Elder Shelton
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