Staying In Lumeah

Howdy all!

All right, first off, I’m still here with Elder Perkins.  We had one of the elders who I’ve gotten pretty close to these last couple of transfers leave though, so that’s sad. The new one who came in though is the missionary who replaced me in Merimbula when I left though. We actually swapped areas, he was in Merrylands when he left, so we’ve done a bit of catching up. I also ran into one of the members from the Paramatta ward yesterday as well (the one who refered us to that really solid investigator). She’s said that his progress has basically stopped since I left, but she still has hopes for him. I’m not too sure what’s going to be happening this transfer in the ward, the work has seemingly gotten slower and slower the last few weeks, but I guess things have to fluctuate. Can’t know the good without the evil I suppose. In terms of what’s going on in the world down here, I’m not too sure if you’ve heard but there have been some raids on some terrorists around here, and it’s thrown the whole community into a bit of a shock. They also raided several houses of non-terrorists, which has been a source of uprising in the muslim community, so we’ve been instructed to not proselyte to muslims at all for the moment. Hasn’t affected us too much, but I’m sure there are some missionaries really bummed at the moment because it also includes people already investigating. Well, in other news Sister Levine seems to be doing better (sorry I haven’t written about her, but we knew the same day it happened). She’s awake now, and moving her hands and legs a little. We haven’t heard much from the mission to be honest, one of the members is keeping us up to date, but there’s been a feeling around the mission that she’ll be alright.


Okay, what is this about you teaching an Elder to play the piano?  Is it kind of like having been given the gift of tongues, but the gift of music instead while on your mission? And you’ve been taking up the guitar? Wow! That’s probably more your style anyway. -Well that was a couple of weeks ago! The Elder I was teaching is the one who moved out, but honestly, I didn’t really teach him much. Just scales (you know how long I practiced those for) and where middle C is. That’s it. I can’t teach him how to read notes or anything like that, and I certainly don’t have a gift of music. I quit piano, and I quit for good, and I’ve never looked back! The Guitar is pretty easy though. I have literally no idea what any of the chords I’m playing are, but it makes a sound that doesn’t destroy people’s ears now.


So have you had the chance to do much service lately? Do you get Elder Perkins out to play rugby? Have you bought yourself a down under hat yet? Do you know how to speak Tongan and Samoan now?  – Well, some service here and there. It’s kind of hard to find out here. This is just as much of a ghost town as I’ve ever been in. Elder Perkins does play Rugby as well, but he also thinks he’s way better than he is, so he’s always going for tricky moves that end up in turn overs, so we all have to work with it. I’m still looking for the hat, and I promise, I’ve been looking for it ever since I got here. As it turns out, even Australians think that that sort of stuff is different, so it’s hard to find. I do know a bit of Tongan as well, mostly just the important stuff. Time to eat. Time to sleep. Good. Bad. Die for Tonga. I need to pee. (actually, funny enough, you know the other side of heaven where he introduces himself as an outhouse instead of a missionary, I know both of those now and I actually understand how he could have gotten them mixed up.)

Well, have a great week everyone!

-Elder Shelton
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