Still in Leumea with Elder Lavulavu

Howdy all!

Well, it’s been a bit of a hectic week down here, I had exchanges, two flat inspections, a new mission president come in, and a transfer. Things have been a bit crazy here too, there’s a school break going on at the moment, so almost no one is home. But all is well.

I guess I should probably start off by letting you know I’m still here in Leumea, and I’m still with Elder Lavulavu. I’m pretty exited about that. Things this last transfer have been really good, and I can’t wait for this one. That being said, the two elders with us have both been moved. Their area closed. So for now, it’s just the two of us in a massive flat. I’m hoping they put in some other missionaries, it’s really pretty quiet in comparison now. I have loved living in a four man flat. Elder Tuipolotu has been put with a missionary that I know will work him hard, Elder Howse, My district leader from Merimbula. Elder Rose has been put with another samoan. He’s really a bit worried about it. He also doesn’t speak any English, and Elder Rose is still struggling with Samoan. I hope that everything goes alright with him. We should be able to keep in touch though, he’ll be attending the same chapel as us.

As for the new mission president, I haven’t met him in person, but I heard that he’s great. He’s still finding his way around being a mission president, but he seems like he really connects with the missionaries. We have a mission conference tomorrow to meet him, so I’ll let you know how he is next week.

The work has slowed a bit temporarily with so much going on, and everyone being gone for school break, but things are still great. Our investigator with a date is progressing really well, and it’s pretty much just a matter of waiting for her date! Honestly, if she was already 8, I recon we could do it this week! Studies have also been really great. I’ve been going through the book of Mormon again, and it amazes me just how much I’m getting out of it. There is heaps of cool stuff I’ve been learning because of this study. We have been challenged (or more accurately, everyone in the south pacific region has been challenged) to read the book of Mormon twice this year. I’m getting really close to finishing the second time. I don’t know how reading has been with you, but I’d advise to finish it at least once in the months that remain.

Time for some questions!

When are transfers anyway? Yesterday

Have you been with Elder Lavulavu just one transfer now or two? Just finished our first together

How is the weather? Really cold or not so bad? At least you passed the shortest day of the year for you now and the sun is headed back down your way. Honestly, everyone here says it’s freezing, but I haven’t noticed it. Random members are always offering me their coats when I’m out in short sleeves, but it’s really not too bad!

So are you still eating a lot of Kentucky Fried Chicken? Actually, the KFC has died down significantly. All the missionaries on our ward are trying to eat healthier, and so we eat mostly just plain ‘ol chicken nowdays.

Did you get your birthday package yet? I don’t personally have it, but it’s arrived in Australia. I think the Zone leaders have it now. I keep hearing that it’s absolutely massive though!

Are you finding places to serve? We’ve had some. I know I haven’t been the greatest on detailing you on the service, but we worked in a class 5 (the highest) juvenile prision, cleaned out a members garage for a funeral, and just other random things here and there.

Well, hope you all have a good week! Love you heaps!

Elder Shelton



