It’s been a good week, although a bit of a slow one, here in the down under. Been seeing a couple of miracles though. I guess first off, the investigator who is going to Fiji is still keen to learn, which I was a bit scared of because she normally is pretty open, until we start teaching she basically goes quiet. But she told us that she still wants to meet, and she sounded exited for it, so keep you fingers crossed and you knees bent!
We also had another miracle. It had been one of those days that you basically feel like you’re rubbing your head against concrete all day. It had been a really rough day for Elder Van Orden, and I was basically at the end of my rope, partly because everyone we went to go see sent us away. Anyway, so after a full day of that, and finding out that our second to last appointment was actually an appointment for the zone leaders, we walked to our last appointment. I was really not looking forward to it, because this was going to be dropping an investigator at a less actives house and it’s been a bit messy with him for the last couple of visits anyway. But we show up and lo and behold; They forgot we were coming! They had invited one of their friends over to watch a movie with them, and we picked him up as an investigator! and I think he’s really keen! And then we had a crazy awesome dinner (fried fish, french fries, and steak) and we had to run home to make it back in time! It was crazy!
We also got to go to the temple today! Man is it good to be back there. Nine months away, and you forget just how cool it is to be there! I’m still in the area, and I’m still with Elder Van Orden. I have high hopes for this transfer, we have made a lot of good progress, and I hope to be able to see it come to fruition here.
I still haven’t seen conference yet. They air it a week later down here. BUT IT SOUNDS LIKE IT WAS AMAZING! I can’t wait for it.
Elder Shelton
PS, I apologize for the brevity, but with the temple visit, we have a bit less time today than normal. Expect a full length letter next week!
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