Howdy all!
Well, It’s been a great week down here. We went on trade off’s in the far out area’s of the mission (Mudgee, Cowra and Dubbo), and that was a lot of fun. I got sick in the week, which was less fun, but I’m feeling a lot better now. Not too much else has been happening (although I was finally able to secure some good Australian souvenirs this week, they’re actually really hard to find out here!) We have a normal proselyting week have this week, then transfer planning with President and Sister Back next week, then it’s down to the final transfer. It’s strange to see just how close my companion is to going home, it kind of freaks me out.
Well, that’s it from me for this week, I guess I’ll answer some questions!
Does Pres. Back ever take or invite you guys to dinner? We have a weekly Sunday dinner meeting with them to discuss how the week has been. (Sister Back is a really good cook!)
What are the names of the other AP’s? Elder Cunningham (MTC Companion) and Elder Bryce.
Transfers are coming up in what, two weeks? Will you be staying where you are, do you think? Unless something very drastic happens, yes, I’ll still be here.
Well I love you all, have a great week!
-Elder Shelton