Howdy all!
Well, things are going good for the most part. We have four investigators who should be getting baptized in the next coming two weeks! Our ward mission leader is crazy good. He sets up at lest fifteen lessons between the three sets of missionaries each week! He leaves work early to be able to come and teach with us! He’s an absolutely insane teacher, and I’m really exited to work with him. I guess my only complaints are that I don’t understand Samoan. We visit mostly Samoan families, and they speak Samoan to elder Peluale. It’s hard to be involved in that sort of stuff. I really feel blessed to be here. I think there’s a decent chance this is where I’ll finish up my mission (I know it’s a long time, but I just get that feeling). I couldn’t be happier to serve anywhere else!
Well as for notable events of the week, we had Christmas conference! We got to watch “The Saratov Approach!” (our mission voted between that and Frozen, I voted for Frozen, but we got out voted by the higher ups in the mission). I got to catch up with a lot of missionaries. Those I served in Minto with, (including Elder Perkins), Elder Phillips, Elder Boswell, and a couple of other missionaries I’ve become good friends with. It was kind of sad in a way. That could be the last time I see any of them. I try not to hard to think about it, but it will be rough coming home in some ways. I’ve really loved it out here.
Well, I guess I’ll answer some questions!
So are you the Junior Companion now? No. Even though I’m newer to the area, district leaders are always senior companions in our mission. I haven’t been Junior Companion since Elder Phillips.
Is Elder Peluale from Samoa or just of Samoan descent? Is he a Samoan speaking Elder? Born and Bred Samoan. And he definately speaks Samoan. His English is good though.
Are you in a Samoan ward? Well, stictly speaking no. There used to be a samoan branch down here, but it merged with the belconen ward. My companionship is in charge of the samoan part of the ward, so I kind of am in a samoan ward…… It’s weird.
How many missionaries in your district? Six.
How many districts in your zone? Four.
Your zone takes in Merimbula, right? Yep!
Is Elder Lavulavu still in the Canberra area? Yep!
And most important, how is the work in Canberra? Well, I’m just getting a hold of things, but things are looking VERY promising. I’ll let you know more when we actually do more, but for now, it looks good.
I’ll have to contact you on your Christmas. We have appointments on our Christmas. I’ll try to contact you about the same time I email you, but I don’t have all the control over that. I really look forward to it though!
Love you heaps!
-Elder Shelton