Things Picking Up Again

Howdy all!
     It’s been a fantastic week down here. It’s been super crazy with all the people, but it’s now after the holidays and things have started to pick up again.
     We’ve been teaching this one lady for a couple of weeks now, and she said that she’ll be baptized if she can work out a couple of things for her family! The lesson went really well, and we think that she’ll be baptized in just a couple of weeks now. I’m really hoping that I’ll get to stay for it, transfers are next week, so fingers crossed! Things have been really great down here. We’re right now working on a big family history day, and that’s been taking up a bit of our time. The branch has been working hard to pull everything together, we don’t have much time to get it all ready, and it’s been a personal request of the stake president to get it going. We’re doing mailbox drops, half page newspaper ads, radio ads, the whole shebang.
     Sorry this is a bit short, the Zone leaders are on exchanges at the moment with us for p-day, and they’re itching to get going, so they’re yelling at us to finish up, I promise I’ll send something a bit longer next week… assuming I’m not in the middle of transfers.
Love you all!
Elder Shelton



