Things Picking Up

Howdy all!

Well, this week has been a bit of an interesting one. We haven’t done nearly as much teaching as I’d like, but we have been busy in some other worthwhile causes. We actually got a text from one of the recent converts  Her name is Kowhai (sounds Ko-fie) she’s 18 years old, and has a little two year old daugther named Thialia, during district meeting. Her parents kicked her out of her house, and she needs a new place to live. She doesn’t really know anyone else, so she needed our help. She’s now living with one of our other recent converts and Elder’s Quorum president. We’re going over tonight for a lesson with an investigator, and we’ll check up and see how everything is going. It’s also starting to get really hot here, close to 100 degrees, so we’re trying to be smart with how much time we spend out in the sun. Would be nice if we had a couple more investigators homes to get into, but in the mean time, we’ve been visiting members and trying to collect referrals and they’re pouring in! We’re starting to get several, and while we haven’t actually been able to meet with any face to face yet, it sounds like it will be all happening this week! The members are really on fire here, it’s really what I had expected when the whole work of salvation thing started. It’s taken a while, but it’s really picking up, especially for this ward that has been kind of a tough ward to work with in the past. Things with Elder Perkins are coming along as well. We still have our moments, but we’re getting along fine for the most part now. Anyway, I’m really looking forward to this week, especially conference, so we’ll see how it goes.

All right, Time for some questions:

So will you be able to go to the temple with these new converts if you are still around when they go? – Possibly. I know the missionaries who taught and baptized converts usually get to go, but I don’t know about the ones who are there. I hope so. I’ve been here for half of the time she’s been waiting to go to the temple, and she’s told us she wants me to go, but we’ll just have to see if it flies by President, and also, if I’m still in the area. The next transfer happens a week before they go, and if I’m sent far away, the likely hood of going plummets.

Do you ever have visiting general authorities come and visit? – We had Elder Orierden come to stake conference, but that’s basically it.

Well, have a great week everyone.

-Elder Shelton



