Transfer to Lumea

Howdy all!

First off, it was great to talk to you all on mother’s day. Second off, I just got transferred.

I’m in a place called Lumea now (it’s still in Sydney). I’m still getting a hold of my settings, but it looks promising. The investigator who was really close to baptism is actually closer to us now! I just have to get in contact with him and we can keep teaching him. He traveled about 10 train station stops to come see us, and now he’s only one away! The flat we’re staying at right now is NICE. It’s huge, and right now me and elder Lavulavu have it all to ourselves. The missionaries we will share it with will be coming soon, one of them is training so he’s waiting to have his companion fly in. It’s a bit of a mess at the moment, even by my standards, so we’ll have to do some cleaning. Elder Lavulavu is great though. He’s Tongan, but he was born and raised in Hawaii. It’s a bit funny to see how cold he thinks it is. It is getting really cold, but even when it’s warm, he’s shivering and looking for the nearest heat vent. He seems like he’ll be a good companion though. I’m still a district leader, so I’ll be getting to know a lot a missionaries here really quickly. I can’t wait to jump into the work here!

Yeah, I’ve heard that missionaries have a tendency to raise their voices at the end of the sentence as well. I’ve been hoping to avoid it, but I guess no one is immune eh? I don’t think I use it in the flat, just with other people. I’ve noticed some of the local jargon I’m using is not easy to stay using. Still have difficulties saying rubbish and petrol instead of trash and gas. I am glad to hear I’ve gotten an accent!

As for the new mission president, he’s amazing. He has really high standards for everyone, and I’ll be frank; a lot of the mission is not remotely close to those standards. I think he’s great though. He has a high vision for everyone. He basically transferred at least one person from every companionship this transfer, so transfer meeting was huge! Elder Boswell has finally left Merimbula. The kids still haven’t been baptized, but they do have another investigator who has a baptismal date for next month! And Brother and Sister Shoobridge have had thier baby! Guess what they named it? Alexander, after elder Boswell! They probably would have done Joshua if that wasn’t already brother Shoobridges name. I also got to see Elder Phillips again, always refreshing, and then we headed out to our new areas. I know basically no one in the new zone. I do think I’ll be here for a while though, I’ve also heard that mission presidents are trying to keep missionaries where they are for longer.

Well, love you all, if you have any questions, just let me know!

Elder Shelton
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