Howdy all!
It’s been a really crazy week here in the down under…..
I’ve been transferred! I know not too long in Dubbo, but President doesn’t need that many missionaries there right now. I’m now in Canberra! I’m in a section called Belconen, and the work here is exploding! We have six baptismal dates, and several other people who seem like they’re on their way there! Finally the promised land after wandering in the wilderness! (well, not exactly wandering, but I’m exited!) I’ve been reinstated as district leader, and I’m with another struggling companion. His name is elder Peluale (I’ll check the spelling, he’s Samoan). He’s had some obedience problems in the past, but he’s a good working missionary, and it’s his last transfer, so I’m making sure that he finishes strong. It’s not quite as intense as my other assignments, he seems like he’s a really good missionary, and president said that he’s been improving heaps. The ward looks really promising, and it’s full of islanders, so I shouldn’t go hungry (did I tell you I lost a kilogram a week in Dubbo? that’s over 12 pounds!) I’m not exactly sure what the skype arrangments are going to be because I’m new here and I’ll have to figure that out, but it will probably be the day after Christmas (my side of the world).
Well, all the newness is still getting to me, so I guess that’s all I have to report for now. I look forward to skyping soon! Love you all!
-Elder Shelton